Our Staff

Valerie Hytholt

Director, Centers for Early Childhood Education

Office: Child Development Lab, Hemenway Hall 106
Phone Number: 508.215.5738
Email: vhytholt1@oldtimer-markt.net

Valerie is the Director of the Centers of Early Childhood Education on campus: the Jeanne M. Canelli Child Development Lab and Early Childhood Center. Valerie has extensive experience working in the early childhood field developing and supporting educational opportunities for young children and for adults learning to teach and care for children and their families. Valerie earned her M.Ed in Literacy and Language from Framingham State University as well as completing the University’s Post Baccalaureate Teacher Education Program in Early Childhood Education. She holds the Initial teaching license in Early Childhood Education (PreK-2) from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. She also holds Lead Teacher and Director certifications from the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in economics from the University of California, Davis and a California secondary teaching license in the social sciences.

Erin Kartunen

Lead Teacher, Child Development Lab

Phone Number:
Email: ekartunen@oldtimer-markt.net

Erin Kartunen is a Lead Teacher in the Child Development Lab. She holds the M.Ed. in Early Childhood Education from Framingham State University and Bachelor of Science in Social Science Education from the University of Georgia. Erin has extensive classroom experience, from pre-kindergarten to high school, through a teaching career that has taken her from Georgia to Florida to Massachusetts. She holds an initial teaching license in Early Childhood Education (PreK-2) from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and Lead Teacher certification from the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care. She also holds a certification in Applied Behavior Analysis from The New England Center for Children.

Julie Wilson

Assistant Director, Child Development Lab

Phone Number:
Email: jwilson7@oldtimer-markt.net

Julie Wilson is the Assistant Director and a lead teacher in the Child Development Lab. She completed the M.Ed. in Special Education and Post Baccalaureate Teacher Education Program in Early Childhood Education at Framingham State University. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Communication Media from Fitchburg State.  She holds an initial teaching license in Early Childhood Education (PreK-2) from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and Lead Teacher certification from the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care. She served as treasurer of the Alpha Upsilon Alpha Chapter of the International Literacy Association Honor Society from 2014-2015 at Framingham State University.